DIY Valentine Round-Up (The Best of Pinterest)
How many of you moms like to send homemade valentines to school rather than the generic ones from the store? That's me. It's one of my favorite things of the entire school year. I scoured Pinterest looking for the cutest, most creative ones I can find...also the inexpensive...this is important too.
Well, if you are like me, and just LOVE sending your child with
the best a thoughtful, homemade valentine, then you have come to the right place.
I have rounded up for you, what I think is the best of Pinterest. So let's dive right in, shall we.
This is my favorite!
Go Go Squeez Applesauce with free printable that says "Thanks for being Awesomesauce!" Love.
2. If you have seen the movie Frozen, you will love this one! Put together a snowman resembling, Olaf, from the movie, and attach the free printable saying "You're worth melting for!" Adorable!
3. Who doesn't love the minions from Despicable Me? Well, some of you may not...but if you do....this one is for you! You will have to do some cutting and pasting, but not too complicating. Click the link for the free heart printable.

I could not find a link for this one. But making this one should simple. You can make a heart template in Word and type in the words, "You make my heart glow." Voila!
5. This is a word find made up of all your child's classmates names. Clever! Attach a pencil and you are good to go.
6. "Love Juice" Attach printable to bottle of water then attach a flavored drink mix. Very cute!
7. I love this one for its simplicity. Buy a bag of starbursts, place in bag, attach printable, done.
8. This is one for the teachers. The printable says, "My love for learning has grown EXPO-nentially, having you as my teacher." Attach to Expo brand dry erase markers.
9. And another one for the teacher. Attach printable that says, "I was soapin' you'd be my valentine" to a bottle of soap. Teachers will love it!
And there you have it! The best of the my opinion. Hope you are able to benefit from my hours spent on Pinterest. :-)

Let me know which ones are your favorite...or share your favorite with me that isn't on the list!
I like those. I saw them and wondered if it would be appropriate to send a "bomb" to school with your kids.
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