
Friday, August 16, 2013

Back to School Mommy-Daughter Date

Back to School Mommy Daughter Date

The Mommy-Daughter Date is a tradition in my house that Katie and I have done since she started Pre-K. As I mentioned in my back to achool teacher gift post, I HATE it when school starts back and I no longer have all my family at home all the time. But I can't keep it from happening, so I do what I can to let  Katie  know how absolutely special she is to me before I have to let her go again.

I also have "the talk" with her-no, not that talk- but I try to remind her what I expect out of her while she's at school. Remind her that she is to be a child who shows the love of God to others. Remind her that she should choice her friends wisely. Remind her that obedience and respectfulness are more important than A's.

Here is what our date looked like-

 Our first stop of the day was the hair salon to get her first professional hair cut.

She looks like such a big girl sitting in the salon chair!

 An now the results.........
She looks like an even bigger girl now! Such a mature looking six year old!

A special surprise of the day. She had the opportunity to donate her hair to Locks of Love! If you are unaware of this organization, they use your hair to make wigs for cancer patients. Very proud of her. Always glad for teachable moments such as these!

Our next stop was to Wal-Mart. Katie won a gift card this summer during the summer reading program at the public library. She came in 3rd place out of all who participated. She read 84 books! Again...very proud of her! She also had some money that she earned selling cookies at our yard sale. So we went to pick out some goodies.

She decide on a Rapunzel doll and some My Little Ponies.

Next stop...Lunch!
Lucky for me (and my wallet), she hasn't accumulated a taste for "fancy" foods and is her choice of dining is Taco Bell!

Next we stopped to do a little clothes shopping. (I didn't get any pictures here)

And our last stop of the day was Sweet Cece's for some frozen yogurt.

I don't think the white shirt was a wise choice. Oh well, that gives me a topic for another blog post...stain removers that work!!

We had a GREAT date. I look forward to being able to do this with my son next year as he starts school. Not that I'm looking forward to him starting school, but I look forward to creating memories.

Home, Sweet, Home!

I would love to hear what sorts of things you do on "dates" with your children!


  1. Looks like y'all had lots of fun. Her hair looks super cute. (Stop staining the hand-me-downs).

    1. We did have a good time. I think she's ready for her hair to grow back but it's SO much easier to brush through! I will do my best to get out the stains!!

  2. what a fun tradition!

    {{ stopping by from SITS }}
