
Thursday, September 15, 2016

Happy Birthday Samuel

Samuel turns 1 today. I am feeling all the feels, y'all. What an amazing ride it has been in such a short amount of time!! I have created this little slideshow/movie of Samuel's first year. I hope you watch and enjoy knowing how grateful our family is for each one of you who prayed with us and for us during this first year with all its unexpected trials and blessings. Thank you for letting us share Samuel's story with you all!

You will never exaggerate when you speak good things of God. It is not possible to do so. Try, dear brethren, and boast in the Lord. Charles Spurgeon
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"You will never exaggerate when you speak good things of God. It is not possible to do so. Try, dear brethren, and boast in the Lord."  -Charles Spurgeon

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