
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Resurrection Rolls

A Hands-On Teaching of the Real Meaning of Easter

I started making these resurrection rolls with my kids last year. If you haven't seen them on the Internet or made them yourself, they are worth trying out.

They would be perfect to make Easter morning or a couple days before. We like to make ours on Good Friday.


  • 1 can crescent rolls
  • large marshmallows
  • melted butter- a few Tbsp
  • cinnamon/sugar mixture- a few Tbsp

  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F while preparing.
  2. Read John 19 about the death and burial of Jesus.
  3. Unroll crescent rolls (which represents the burial linen cloths of Jesus) into 8 separate triangles. 
  4.  Roll white marshmallow(s) (which represent the pure sinless body of Christ) in butter.

 5. Roll in cinnamon sugar (which represent the burial oils and spices).   

6.Wrap the cinnamon sugar covered marshmallow in the crescent roll, pinching the dough together.  Make sure to seal all sides tightly, pointing out that the tomb was sealed so that no one could get in...or out.

*Tip* If you have a sil pat you may want to use it (or parchment paper will do). It makes the sticky marshmallow leakage clean-up a cinch!

7. Place the rolls in the oven (which represents the tomb).

8. Bake for 10-12 minutes. (You can pretend as if you are waiting 3 days.)

9. While baking, read John 20:1-18 about the empty tomb and see if your kids can predict what will happen to the marshmallow. 

10. Once the rolls have cooled, open to reveal the missing marshmallow.  Jesus has risen!  He’s ALIVE! 
11. Enjoy the yummy treat or share with a neighbor!

Happy Easter! 

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