
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How to Build a Strong Christian Home eBook Release

One of the homemaking blogs that I love to read, A Wise Woman Builds Her Home,  has released a new ebook- How to Build a Strong Christian Home. As of last night it is sitting at #2 on Amazon's Hot New Releases in Christian Families category.

This is what some other women have had to say about this new release:

"How to Build a Strong Christian Home is filled with gems and nuggets to take away and apply to our every day lives.  There is much application and it is a book that will challenge and spur you on in your role as a Christian wife and mother.  We are reminded that just because there are Christians in the home doesn't mean Christ is the foundation of the home.  It begins in our hearts.  As I read I kept coming back to this line in a favorite hymn, "On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand".  It will be a book you will return to time and again." Marci, The Thankful Homemaker

June Fuentes' new work, How To Build A Strong Christian Home is Scripture-inspired, grace-based, family building tool for Christian fathers and mothers who believe that the desire to keep God's commandments, renew our minds, and take every though captive and make it obedient unto Christ, is a result of the Holy-Spirit's work in our lives. "  -Jacinda, Growing Home

Here is a look inside the Table of Contents:

Table of Contents:
The State of the Home
A Multi-Generational Vision: Leaving a Legacy
The Exquisite Home Culture
The Imperfect Home
The Important Role of Parents and Their Example
Discipleship, Shepherding Hearts and Teaching The Word of God in the Christian Home
Education in the Home: Purposeful and Powerful Kingdom Conversation
Preparing Your Home: The Influence of a Godly Atmosphere
The Influence of Entertainment
Making Memories In the Kitchen & Gracious Hospitality
Serving on a Mission Together as a Family
The Foolish Woman Tears Down Her Home
Guarding the Home
The Secret to a Happy Home Life
About the Author
Family Resources

Be sure to pick up your copy of How to Build a Strong Christian Home now for only $4.99 as a PDF or on Amazon Kindle!!!

Also, be sure to head over to A Wise Woman Builds Her Home to enter the Mega Bundle Giveaway that is going on to celebrate the book launch!!

Happy Homemaking and God Bless!

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