
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Homeschooling a Preschooler (God's Little Explorer Curriculum)

Next week will be an exciting week in my house. Or at least that’s the way I’m seeing things now.  I will be starting an actual homeschool curriculum with my almost 4 year old on Monday. I have all my lessons plans organized in a binder. We have crayons and glue. And I can’t wait to start.

 I am not a typical homeschool mom. I know I will be sending my son off to public school next year. But I know that if I have to make these years at home with me count. I will teach him and prepare him to the best of my ability. Those of you who read my blog regularly know that I love teachers, but it is my job as parent to be their first teacher.

One of the reasons I wanted to write this post was- a. to let you in on my journey and progress (there will be many updates, I’m sure!) and b. to seek advice.  I would love to hear from you homeschool moms to hear how you do things and what I should-or shouldn’t expect.  How do you organize your teaching time around others in the family? Right now the plan is to teach at 1 pm during the 2 yr old’s nap. While I would love to do the teaching in the morning because that is when I’m at MY best, I know that is not going to work best for the rest of us.

I look forward to sharing with you my experiences!  Prayers are very much appreciated!! And if you are looking for a homeschool curriculum for your preschooler, I highly recommend this one. It is called God’s Little Explorers. It takes you through the Bible. It is very well written. It is only $14 and all proceeds go to build an orphanage in India. If you would like to purchase the digital download, you can click here. 


  1. I'm homeschooling mine as well, only I plan on it for the long-haul.

    Make teaching something that happens throughout the day! While playing with cars on the floor or something point out the colors on the cars, count them, spell "c-a-r", things like that. It doesn't have to be a "lets sit down and have school time" thing right now.

    Get lots of books - there are so many wonderful children's books out there. Visit the library often. Some of our favorites were Chicka-Chicka-Boom-Boom, Knuffle Bunny, Goodnight Moon, Guess How Much I Love You, the "David" series ("No! David" and others), and anything by Eric Carle.

    Just don't stress over it, and have fun :-)
    Stopping by from SITs!!

    1. You're exactly right! I always try to look for "teachable moments." I used to think that I had an edge over other moms because I was a certified teacher, but, no, any mom can (and should) teach their child.

  2. Happy SITS Day! :) I hope it is a great one for you!

    We just started homeschooling this year via an online school, and it has definitely been an adjustment! Best advice I can give you is this: allow for adjustment, expect there to be difficult days, allow yourself to make changes as needed when they are what is best for you and yours and don't be too hard on yourself if it is not "perfect". We've only been at it a week here, and it seems I'm the one who has had more melt downs because I see it needs to be done and I calculate the time and I over-plan and well...I am still learning my kids in so many ways schooling-wise as well as the curriculum (which is great, just so different than what they are used to). My oldest is super self-directed and my middle kid is not. Did I mention I have a 3 year old in tow, too? We purposely plan the most difficult/involved things for each of them when she is napping. :)

    I know that the hardest thing for me is realizing that a daily plan is just that: the plan. Sometimes plans need to change. I am confident we will find our rhythm...we just aren't there just yet. :)

    Best of luck to you! You will be in my prayers, and I hope I will be in yours! :)

    1. Thanks for the advice...and the prayers!! It seems lie staying flexible is going to be a great help!

  3.'re speaking my language. I homeschooled all three of my kids; finishing my last year as a homeschool mom. I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Enjoy your one year! And Happy SITS Day!

    1. My hats off to you for homeschooling all the way through!! I know your children will treasure those years!

  4. Good luck and have fun! :) Sounds like a great way to give your sweet boy a good head start for next year! Happy SITS day!

  5. I'm homeschooling my preschooler this year too, but he'll go to public school next year. Happy SITS Day.

  6. Congrats on your SITS Day! I blog about cupcakes too...have to check out your recipes! :)

    1. Thanks! I'll have to stop by and return the favor! I love a good cupcake recipe!!

  7. Happy SITS day! Good luck as you start this journey! We did preschool at home as well, and I can relate to the excitement of starting with "official" curriculum. Have a great school year!

    1. Thanks! Having everything down on paper is accountability for me.I need the routine just as much ( or more) as he does! :-)

  8. Hi Allison! Love your courage and dedication to giving your son a head-start with a homeschooling routine. Great idea! Happy SITS Day, to you! Hugs :-)

    1. Thank you! Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!!

  9. You are so smart to spend this time with your little one. You will find that it is a very good bonding experience. They grow up so fast. Cherish your time with them! Happy SITS day!

    1. Thank you! I am looking forward to the time spent together! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Happy SITS day to you. My homeschool mom days are over, as both of my kids are graduates (and one has already graduated from college!) I love to connect with moms who are in the early days of homeschooling.

    1. I would love any advice from one who's been there! Thanks for stopping by!!
