
Friday, May 10, 2013

The Not So Happy Mother's Day

This is a post that I want to write. I don't have adequate words.

This is for those out there who are dreading this Sunday, Mother's Day, for whatever reason. For those who have experienced the death of a child, the death of a mother, or are dealing with infertility.

I can only imagine the feelings that this day brings. I imagine that a lot of you avoid people. Stay at home. Don't go to church where a sermon will be preached shining a spotlight on your loss. Some of you will sit in silence. No one ever knowing you are hurting deeply inside.

And I, being a mom to 3 young children and still having my mother here with me, am in no position to offer up advice. I only write this so that you will know that you are being thought of this weekend and to make others aware. I have family members and friends that have dealt with all of these issues, yet still for many years I have remained oblivious to the hurt and suffering around me this particular day. I imagine this is because people don't always broadcast their hurts. We keep them bottled inside. But God's Word tell us in 1 Corinthians 12:26 that "if one member suffers, all suffer together..." We should feel the hurt that our fellow sisters in Christ are feeling.

For those silent grievers this weekend, I do not have the words to comfort you, but I can lead you to the comfort of the cross. Out of Christ's suffering on the cross, our salvation has been purchased. If God, in all His wisdom, could sacrifice His only son through  such suffering, we can trust that He will remain faithful to us during our times of suffering.

Cry out to Jesus this Mother's Day! And for the rest of us celebrating, take a moment to say a prayer for those who wish they were.

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received." 2 Corinthians 1:3-4


  1. From a motherless mother, this is a beautiful thing. Thank you.

  2. My Mother's Day is that much sweeter now that I have children but for me, having lost my mother at age 7, I think it's hardest on her birthday and on the day she passed away. And Christmas. And Valentine's day (the last holiday I have a card from her). Thank you for thinking about those who have suffered loss--for me, even though I have much to feel sorry about, I choose to feel good about all the blessings in my life. I am thankful I had 7 years with her to absorb her love and what she was about. I am thankful for my kiddoes--that I can impart my mother's legacy onto them. Each year now on Mother's Day, we visit a botanical garden--something she did with me as a child.

  3. So nice of you to remember those who have lost their mothers. My mother is getting up there in age and because none of us lives forever, I have to accept the fact that I won't always have mine to reach out to on this special day.

  4. I know it's a hard day for many women out there. I wish I had the words to comfort those who no longer have their children or mother with them.

  5. This is so thoughtful and beautiful Allison!! I love how you share your precious faith to bring hope to the hurting... AMEN to that, my friend.

  6. For years my bad day was Father's Day. My dad died just before my 17th birthday. Thanks for the reminder about those who hurt on these special days. Enjoy your SITS Day.

  7. I have been blessed to have a child after being told it may not be possible. And my mother got a second chance at life a few years ago. I often think of those who have lost mothers or lost children on Mother's Day. This is a special post. Thank you for sharing. Enjoy your SITS Day!

  8. So many reasons it can be a tough day. I wrote a similar post. I have friends who had abusive mothers. Friends who had abusive husbands who always told them they were horrible mothers or just basically "screw you" or Mother's Day. I'm not a big fan myself. But I do like Halloween. So we turn Mother's Day into another small Halloween. We watch a Halloween movie or two and pretend it's fall. It helps.

  9. My Mother's Day has been much less sparkly since my mother and mother-in-law have both moved away. Thank you for sharing and for the sentiment. My faith and my husband and kids were what helped carry me through those first sad years.

  10. What a very sweet post for those who do struggle for whatever reason on Mother's Day!

  11. What a thoughtful piece for mourning mothers. It is a loss which few words can describe, but finding strength in your faith is what helps most get through it one day at a time.
