
Monday, April 8, 2013

Master Gardener

The weekend has come and gone. My floors are dirty again. But I am quite excited to show you what I accomplished over the weekend.

How many of you plant your own vegetable garden? My husband and I do, (or try's not always successful) and it has become one of my favorite times of the year. my favorite part has been harvesting the fruit of Michael's labor. I love going out and checking to see if anything new is growing. Well, this weekend I operated the tiller and actually did some of the hard stuff. Granted, Michael did break up the ground and get it started for me.
allison's wonderland
It was fun and rewarding. Next weekend we will put the plants in the ground!! We like to do tomatoes, squash, and cucumbers. I'm hoping to do some lettuce this year as well. That marked off section is my 6 year old daughter's. She has already planted her tomatoes and sunflowers. Funny story about when I was tilling....last year we planted carrots but we never saw anything come of them. We just assumed it was because of the dry season. Well, as I was tilling up the ground a huge chunk of orange flies through the air. I'm talking the size of a grapefruit. Of course, it was a carrot that was never dug up. I would post a picture but I put it in the back of Michael's truck and it is with him at work right now.

Moving on to the second exciting thing that I did.
allison's wonderland

This is the combo pot that I created-with the help of my mother in law. I found this washtub out by my shed and thought it would be the perfect container to help spruce up my front door. I am very pleased!! It is a mixture of millet, sweet potato vine, geranium, and salvia. Now my mission is to keep it alive!

And lastly, this is my blueberry bush that I planted. Isn't it cute? Can you see it? I promise it's there. I probably won't get any blueberries for another year or so, but I'm still excited thinking about the possibility!
allison's wonderland

Now don't let these pictures or this post fool you. I am no gardener. I LOVED being outside and accomplishing something in my yard. But that is not the typical me. Most of what I plant dies so I usually give up. I am going to try harder this time to pay attention, get outside more and work harder. There is something special about being around God's creation and watching it grow! Leave a comment and tell me about your garden experiences and tips!

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