
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Make your Own Laundry Detergent

As I was getting ready to do a load of laundry this morning, I realized that I was almost out of detergent. About a year ago, that would mean picking up another expensive bottle of fragrance free detergent (because of Charlie's eczema we can't use harsh chemicals on his skin) at my next trip to the store. But not today. I shared with you back on my mop day post that I make my own floor cleaner. Well, I have also learned the secret to making my own detergent as well. It only involves 3 ingredients that you can find at Wal Mart right in the laundry detergent aisle.

I know making your own detergent isn't for everybody, but for our family it works. I like knowing exactly what is going on Charlie's skin. For those of you who have kids who suffer with eczema-or suffer yourself- you know what a nightmare this can be!

I also like that this is less expensive. I read on this blog. That it costs $.075 per load using this method. Not too bad.

Now for the details.
 These are the ingredients:

2 cups Borax
2 cups Super Washing Soda
1 bar Fels Naptha

Measure out the first 2 ingredients and pour into container. For the Fels Naptha, you can cut it in cubes and put it in your food processor. I don't have a food processor, so I use my magic bullet. It works just fine.

You'll want to get that to a real fine consistency. If you do have a food processor, you could  add the washing soda and borax with your fels naptha and process altogether. Everything won't fit in the bullet so I do it separately.
 This is what the fels naptha will look like after processed. After that step is complete, go ahead and stir everything together. You can double or triple and make a big batch if you like.

Note: You will use 2 Tbsp per load.

I keep my detergent in a clear plastic shoebox tub from the dollar store. (I do keep a lid on it it- just took it off for the picture.) I also usually make more than this but was short on borax. Looks like I'll be making a trip to the store anyway.


  1. I read wrong and I thought you said it was .75 per load and I was thinking that is about 5 times what I pay for detergent. Then I looked again and realized it said .075. Which is less than half what I pay and sounds like it might be worth the effort.

    1. Yes. That would be a lot! I'm glad you looked again. I hope you try it out!
